So at the age of 33, the sentence I have most often heard spoken to me, has been: "You have such a pretty face, why don’t you try and lose the weight?' Now what has kept this sentence interesting to me over the years, has of course been the many variations in tone it can be said in and they honestly vary anywhere from: deeply concerned (parents and loved ones), deeply puzzled (friends and colleagues), to deeply condescending (anybody else really).
How could one tell the difference?
Admittedly, the different tones in which the words are uttered can go unnoticed to the normal, unsuspecting ear, but if you’ve been fat most of your life, the intent is quite unmistakable.
Anywaaay, let’s leave the past in the past, and fast forward to the blog.
So 33 years old... - that is eight years older than the original 25 I had planned (at the tender age of 7) to be married at, and three years older than the original 30 I had planned on retiring from childbirth, with daughter number three might i add. So yea, way behind!
So here’s the single most important obstacle between me and my goal: *No man will marry you - or at least get to know you know with the intent of marrying you - If you are fat anywhere past being described as ‘voluptuous’ and I don’t care how pretty your face is!
Hence - the start of weight-loss program!
*All right, i know what you sceptics are thinking, i too have spotted the handful of fine looking men strolling hand in hand with their fat girlfriends/fiancees/wives but how common are those men i ask you? Right, that's what i thought! ;)
W-L program coming up tomorrow -
Gnight everyone :)