So I've decided, for the sake of not growing tired of either plan (vegan vs. cookie diet) to alternate between the two.
That way, but the time I grow sick of one, I'll embark on the other. This will go on until my first weight loss goal of 160 by September 25 2010. (important date, will explain later)
Did I mention that my diet will work in conjunction with an active life-style?
So yea, I will be walking an hour a day on weekdays and a minimum of two a day on week-ends.
If I can add to that my couch to 5k plan (which I paused when the weather got humid in the EXTREME) then it would be great, but that remains to be seen.
(I hope you're not reading this Prich, if you are - I was only kidding!)
Joking aside, I may need to find an alternative to the jogging program until the weather cools down.
Perhaps restart my Jillian Michael's 30 day shred? Yes, that's what I'll do, 20 pounds a month for 2 and a half months is FANTASTIC!
…to be continued...